Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Center and Balance in Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man has amazed me for at least the past 15 years.  Here is a little video I made to explain some of my reasons and perceptions, particularly from a functional anatomy point of view.
I am not the only individual to believe that there may be physical exercises within Da Vinci's drawings.  Michael Gelb has written several books, and this link has some of the exercises he has developed from the drawing.  http://www.signlanguageofthesoul.com/leonardo.html
My view is more static.  I simply ask the individual to stand in the "box" position for several minutes or lie down on the floor or the bed in the circular position for several minutes and to truly feel one's center of balance in the body.  Regardless of whether you engage in these exercises, Mr. Gelb's exercises, or simply a thought exercise, I hope the genius of Da Vinci shines through this little video.

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